Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rebekah's Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Rebekah's second birthday! It's crazy how fast the time goes by. It seems like there is a birthday every month! (But we aren't complaining) ;)

The Birthday Girl with her sister Abby!
Benny enjoying the party

Their dog Rocky 

Caleb making a silly face!

Yummy cupcakes!
The Birthday Girl!

Jessica and Gideon

She loves her new baby doll!

Their ducks and chickens

Love his face!!!! :)

~Tabitha & Sojourner


  1. Lovely photo of me at the end there (sarcastically) thanks guys!!!!

  2. Love the pictures!! <3 I really wish I could've been there!.. Love and miss everyone a ton!


  3. I loved all the pictures and I'm so glad you had a good day! -LydsBeck

  4. Congratulations! You have a wonderful family. Stay blessed! I was just looking to find a good event space San Francisco area has for my son’s birthday party. He’s turning ten this February and I wanted to give him a nice surprise. I’d love some ideas.
