Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rebekah's Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Rebekah's second birthday! It's crazy how fast the time goes by. It seems like there is a birthday every month! (But we aren't complaining) ;)

The Birthday Girl with her sister Abby!
Benny enjoying the party

Their dog Rocky 

Caleb making a silly face!

Yummy cupcakes!
The Birthday Girl!

Jessica and Gideon

She loves her new baby doll!

Their ducks and chickens

Love his face!!!! :)

~Tabitha & Sojourner

Monday, September 22, 2014

End of Summer

The weather has been beautiful out lately, so we decided to pull out the camera and take some pictures! 

This summer all 12 of us kids bought our Mom and Dad 12 lilac bushes!
~Tabs and Soj

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our First Post!!!

Welcome to our first ever blog! We just want to post diys, baking, fashion, family, fun, events, and everything else we love! We will try to post every week, but we are just learning! We would love to hear ideas and suggestions from you guys in the comments!
                                                        ~Tabitha & Sojourner